Dusk over Rome

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Growing & Learning

There's been quite the flurry of adoption activity over here this spring, and it's past time for an update. I've been feeling more positive lately about the possibility of ever affording an adoption. In the fall, we were researching the possibility of filing a malpractice suit against my doctors and possibly the hospital. After consulting with several lawyers, though, we were told we didn't have much of a case; disappointing to say the least. Not that we expected millions out of a lawsuit, but we were certainly hoping for enough to fund an adoption, or at the very least, significantly contribute to the adoption. At the time, I was absolutely devastated, convinced that without that money we'd never be able to afford adoption. But I've since rallied & am once more determined to overcome the money hurdle. We've been doing some small fund raising projects, such as selling books we no longer read on Amazon marketplace, and selling off jewelry I no longer wear. Our tax refund went straight into the adoption fund, of course, and occasional donations from family have also boosted our fund. Our fund is sssslllloooowwwwlllyyyy growing...at a glacial pace, true, but growing nonetheless. Of course, given my lack of patience, my perception of how fast our fund is growing is probably rather skewed.

About a month ago, a friend sent me some information on a local adoption support group that was just starting up. I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to look around for support groups. So I was very excited to learn that they even existed, and very much looking forward to attending the meeting. At that first meeting, I learned of another support group in the area, and at the second meeting I was able to attend, I learned of yet another local support group! Amazing that they were here this whole time, right under our noses. It's been wonderful to have a group (or several groups, really) of people who are also on an adoption journey to turn to for advice, experience, and understanding.

Now that the word is getting out among friends & family of our desire to adopt, adoption information seems to be cropping up everywhere. We had an adoption situation actually drop in our laps, but had to pass it up because of lack of funds. We also discovered that a friend of a friend owns an agency & would be willing to give us advice on the process. Things are moving forward, for sure. Now if our adoption fund would just get the message & catch up...

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